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Dental Drugs: Who’s A Good Candidate for General Anesthesia?

June 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:54 pm

If you or your child has a complex dental procedure on the horizon or are nervous about an upcoming appointment, then you might benefit from sedation. The good news is that many providers offer a variety of sedation options, each with its own benefits and considerations. Whether it’s oral conscious sedation in pill form or laughing gas inhaled through a mask, there’s more than one way to help you feel calm and responsive throughout your visit.

However, some people experience such intense anxiety that they need to be put to sleep to receive essential oral care. In these instances, general anesthesia may be considered. If you’re dreading your next dental appointment but are unsure whether you might benefit from this medication, continue reading to learn more about it!


Pulp Therapy or Tooth Extraction: Which is the Best Choice for Your Child?

May 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 3:07 pm

As a parent, seeing your child suffering from the pain of an infected tooth can be quite a distressing experience. You’ll naturally want to do anything you can to help your little one find relief – but what is the best way to do that? Should the infection be treated with pulp therapy? Or would a tooth extraction be a better solution? Your pediatric dentist is here to help you figure out the right steps to take to protect your child’s smile.


DEBUNKED: 5 Common Myths About Pulp Therapy

April 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 5:06 pm

Pulp therapy in pediatric dentistry plays an important part in preserving the health of young smiles. The treatment can effectively remove infected pulp while leaving the tooth intact. This helps your child keep their oral development on track while getting them out of pain! However, misinformation is everywhere on the internet and the procedure has its share of uninformed information. Continue reading to see several of the most popular myths debunked!


Can Untreated Lip & Tongue-Ties Have Lasting Impacts on Toddlers?

March 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:35 pm

Over the last decade or so, lip and tongue-ties have been more commonly diagnosed among babies and children, as doctors, dentists, and parents have become more familiar with symptoms associated with them. While in some cases, treating these issues may not be necessary, other more severe situations will need to be addressed by a professional.  If it isn’t, your child can experience worsening symptoms as they inch into toddlerhood and start talking and eating solid foods. Read on to learn how lip and tongue-ties can impact your child as they age and when treatment may be necessary.


3 Common Myths About Lip and Tongue Ties

February 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 3:48 am

Parenting a young child can feel overwhelming, especially when it comes to their health. While parents are vigilant about common childhood illnesses like colds, there are other conditions, especially related to infants, that can be difficult to understand. Lip and tongue ties are one such example. Many parents may not have heard much about them before becoming parents, and what they have heard might not always be true. Keep reading as we clear up some misunderstandings about lip and tongue ties.


Can I Still Get Cavities While Wearing Invisalign?

January 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 11:26 pm

Invisalign has allowed many patients to enjoy an orthodontic treatment that doesn’t involve the clearly visible metal parts and dietary requirements that come with traditional braces. The process works by having the patient wear a series of clear aligners that straighten their teeth out over time. While these aligners might seem like a protective shield for your smile, the truth is that you can still get cavities while wearing them. Here’s how cavities can develop while wearing Invisalign, how to prevent that from happening, and what to do if you notice any forming.


5 of Your Invisalign Questions, Answered!

December 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 5:17 pm

Since Invisalign is a household name, you likely already know a lot about clear aligner treatment – from how discreet the trays are to the fact that you don’t have to alter your diet. But what if you want to learn more about this teeth-straightening service before signing on the dotted line? Well, you’re in the right place! Below, you will find the answers to frequently asked questions about Invisalign!


Invisalign Vs. Traditional Braces: Which Orthodontic Method Is Best for You?

November 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 11:15 pm

Orthodontics has allowed millions of people to achieve a healthier, prettier smile by straightening their teeth. While the results can reduce aches and pains, make teeth easier to clean, and allow a patient to chew food more thoroughly, orthodontic treatments involve a significant amount of effort on the part of the patient. While some people might be better off with traditional braces, Invisalign clear aligners can be a great choice for others. Here are a few of the advantages and disadvantages of these orthodontic treatments and a few tips for deciding which is right for you.


How Old is Too Old: Does My Teen Need a New Dentist?

October 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 2:55 pm

As parents, we take on many roles for the sake of our children, and one of the most important is our duty as caregivers. We’re responsible for the health and development of our kids, including their dental hygiene, until they’re old enough to take it on themselves.

If you have a teenager at home, you’ve watched them grow and change over the years. Now that they’re bigger, you might wonder if it’s time to switch them to a general dentist versus the pediatric one you’ve been taking them to. Keep reading to learn 4 reasons why it’s okay for them to continue seeing their current dentist even if they’re getting older.


Oral Hygiene Guide for Children with Special Needs

September 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 1:44 pm

While the importance of brushing twice daily and daily flossing is well-known, children with emotional, behavioral, physical, or intellectual disabilities might face difficulties maintaining these routines. Special needs dentistry can provide valuable support to ensure children with these unique challenges maintain healthy teeth and gums. Keep reading to learn about four tips to help you learn how to keep your child’s smile healthy.

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